How to lower costs and prevent unnecessary downtime

January 20, 2022

Effective asset management strategies help organizations lower costs and prevent unnecessary downtime. Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) is a key component in businesses’ efforts to manage assets optimally and increase overall organizational productivity.

Many organizations around the world are victims of inefficient asset management. Experiencing downtime caused by a lack of spare parts or misplaced assets. Losing thousands of dollars worth of unnecessary inventory sitting in storerooms.

Source: BehrTech

Effective asset management strategies help organizations lower costs and prevent unnecessary downtime. Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) is a key component in businesses’ efforts to manage assets optimally and increase overall organizational productivity.

In the 21st century, the key for any company desiring to achieve optimal asset management is to look at the whole picture. This entails:

·     Health and safety

·     Support services

·     CMMS

·     Root Cause Analysis

·     Plant capability and criticality,

·     Operational and maintenance practices

To achieve asset management success, the leadership of any company must support the implementation and adaptation of CMMS from ‘cradle to grave’. Without proper training and continuous encouragement to use the software (at least until employees know the value it brings), your efforts to optimally manage your assets, will fail. A CMMS is your maintenance management database, it’s the starting point and foundation of your asset management system.

What asset information should be entered into your CMMS?

·     Equipment assemblies and components

·     strategies you develop to maintain your assets

·     schedules that support your strategies

·     record of costs associated with maintaining assets

·     history of breakdowns

·     inventory of parts

·     critical spares

CMMS software allows users to set up preventive maintenance work orders for assets. This helps to prevent deterioration before it causes the equipment to fail. These maintenance work orders can be set up according to meter readings or dates. Once these benchmarks have been reached, the CMMS will send reminders to technicians automatically and prompt the technician to perform maintenance.

Source: BehrTech, 2020.

A well-utilized and managed CMMS is an invaluable tool that should be used in close alignment with a “Work Management” system.

These functions integrate to:

·     Identify equipment(process/building/utilities/support services) that need Preventive Maintenance(PM) to achieve conformity to product requirements

·     Determine and define the methods of PM (usually detailed by the manufacturer of equipment in user manuals)

·     Determine & define frequencies of PM(usually detailed by the manufacturer of equipment in user manuals)

·     Provide evidence (records) that PM was done per schedule & method

·     Calibration requirements

·     Location

·     Tracking Number.

·     Calibration requirements

·     Calibration interval with justification for the interval

·     Calibration Procedure

·     Calibration History

·     Calibration Due

Maintaining assets in top operating conditions is vital to meet production and service commitments. Proteus MMX has the following benefits for the manufacturing industry:

·     Improving asset life – Overall EquipmentEffectiveness (OEE)

·     Process and action documentation for ISO compliance

·     Minimizing downtime

·     MRO spare parts inventory control

·      Educated asset decisions

Media Contact:

Eagle Technology, Inc.

Barbara van der Walt

Head of Marketing

+1 -262-241-3845